Church Health Community

  1. To communicate and encourage a health mindset and strategy for advocating healthier church ministries.
  2. To assess local church health-related needs and potential within their contexts (based on eight essential qualities).
  3. To deliver up-to-date resources and workshops that provide creative church health solutions.
  4. To assist churches in adopting concepts that will ultimately produce health within their contexts.

The Community will: 

  1. Discuss the latest church health concepts – stirring the team’s thinking through reading books and exploring web-related resources together.
  2. Discuss opportunities and solutions for church health concepts in our cultural setting.
  3. Discuss issues derived from district cohorts concerning church health concepts.
  4. Explore together church health concepts for congregations in our cultural setting.
  5. Focus on segment of the National Conference gathering to church health – providing a district or national level speaker as requested.

The Scope of the Community’s Agenda:

  • Empowering leadership
  • Gift-oriented ministry
  • Passionate spirituality
  • Functional structures
  • Inspiring worship
  • Holistic small groups
  • Need-oriented evangelism
  • Loving relationships

Chair:  Church Health Associate – Rev. Wayne Houck   Email


  • The Bishop and the chairperson shall appoint the members who are to serve on the community. The National Conference may, by its rules, populate each community by assigning various groups, committees and entities into existing communities based on their assigned work and create new communities when practical.

For more information on “The Essentials of a Healthy Church,” please take a look at this transcript from the Church Health Community presentation at the 2023 National Conference.

Pastoral Health