Missional Alignment Community

  • To assist the Bishop to cast the vision for the denomination in keeping with God’s mission for his church.

The Scope of the Community’s Agenda:

  • Faith & Doctrine Committee
    • ​The committee is to provide clear, concise and contemporary doctrinal statements that accurately reflect the Articles of Faith. It is also available to review, restate, and through recommendation to the National Conference, expand the spiritual, moral and social standards. The committee shall be vigilant and develop for recommendation to the National Conference position papers that respond to pressing contemporary moral and social concerns.
  • Heritage Committee
    • ​The purpose of the committee is to gather, preserve and organize historical data, records, books, literature, artifacts and other property related to the origin and development of the Evangelical Congregational Church and to stimulate and encourage historical research and appreciation.
  • Amendments to Journal Committee
    • The committee receives and prepares amendment proposals which will be presented to the National Ministry Team for consideration according to the amendment process set forth in the Discipline.
  • Prayer Mobilization Team
    • ​The Prayer Mobilization Team develops the corporate prayer life of the Evangelical Congregational Church by: emphasizing worldwide, denominational and local church prayer movements, coordinating prayer initiatives and events, and providing training and resources.

Chair:  Bishop Rev. Randall L. Sizemore
717-866-7581  Email


  • The Bishop shall appoint the members who are to serve on the community. The National Conference may, by its rules, populate each community by assigning various groups, committees and entities into existing communities based on their assigned work and create new communities when practical.