Committed to reaching the world for Christ, the Evangelical Congregational Church of India (ECCI) has six presbyteries that make up the Conference of about 60,000 members. ECCI’s department of Missions and Evangelism ministers in the neighboring states and countries of the region. The Bible College and Seminary of ECCI’s members, Evangelical College of Theology (ECT), also trains men and women from over 20 different denominations and faith traditions.

Recognizing the need to reach out to a hurting culture, the Evangelical Congregational Church of Japan strives to be the face of Christ in a place where 99% of the population is non-Christian. The E.C. Church of Japan consists of four congregations in the greater Tokyo area whose average morning worship attendance is over 100 people. Other ministries of the E.C. Church of Japan are evangelism, daycare and church planting.

Liberia saw an end of fourteen years of civil war and instability in 2003 when a new governmental leadership team was chosen to help lead the country to peace and stability.

The E.C. church is directly involved with restoration efforts inside Liberia. In fact, the Global Ministries Community has had works in Liberia since the 1950’s. Thirty-six E.C. churches have remained resolute, even through the destruction of the war-torn years. There are currently more than 9,000 members in the E.C. Church of Liberia and the numbers are growing every day.

A new chapter in the life of the EC Church of Liberia began in January 2016 with the first election to choose the next leader of the Church. ECCL is led by Rev. Abraham Powell. He will serve a six year term and can serve up to 2 terms.

In 2017 the EC Church USA’s field in Mexico was officially recognized as a National Conference of the Global Evangelical Congregational Church. However, looking beyond the borders of just Mexico this National Conference is known as the EC Church of Latin America. Under the direction of Superintendent Rev. Juan Zuniga, the conference leaders, pastors and members are working together to reach their neighbors in the various states of Mexico with the goal of extending the Gospel to other areas in Latin America. Even though it became self-governing, self-supporting and self-propagating, your prayers and financial support help encourage and sustain EC’s newest National Conference!

The Evangelical Congregational Church of India began the E.C. mission outreach to eastern Nepal resulting in the planting of ten churches. In June, 2003 the churches elected a leadership team of five people to lead the new conference of the E.C. Church, and a church center was established at Dharan, in eastern Nepal. In January 2009 the E.C. Church of Nepal became its own international conference with Director Rev. T. Janga leading them.

The EC Church of Nepal is meeting the spiritual and physical needs of this nation through the planting of local churches, intentional discipleship, leadership training and a variety of hands-on ministries that meet the physical needs of orphans, widows and families.

GMC Missions

  • International Churches
  • Missions General Fund
  • VBS Project
  • World Emergency Fund

Global Ministries Community supports 23 missionaries serving 16 mission organizations in 11 countries. Their service to the Lord extends the fields of aviation, church planting, college campuses, international schools, medical, street ministry, translating and videography. These missionaries seek to reach the lost and marginalized in our society and societies around the world to spread the good news of Christ.

Thank you for your support of the EC Global Ministries Community with your Christmas / Special Gift!

For those serving overseas*, we will send your non-tax deductible gifts directly to the following missionaries to use at their discretion. The money you donate to the funds on this page is above and beyond the missionaries’ monthly income.

Thank you for blessing them during the holidays and birthdays!

*If you do not see a missionary it is because they are stateside. Please send your gift directly to them.

For mailing addresses please request via email to [email protected].

Kingdom Extension Community funds support Church Planters and Church Plants as well as Informal Partnerships.

A separate giving transaction is required to donate to different Kingdom Extension Projects.